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SPX Graphics Controller
Professional live graphics playout software for Windows, Mac and Linux. (v.1.3.3)
SPX Social
Show RSS or social messages, tweets, comments or other list items over a video.
Image Layer
Add an image to a folder. Select it. Play!
Animated Fullscreen Image
One image and four animations. Select your image and choose which animation to use for fade in and out!
Dynamic & Customizable LowerThird
Create dynamic lower thirds with this customizable HTML template, featuring easy logo replacement and more.
Live Subtitler
Live captioning and subtitling solution. Robust plugin for SPX with features like multi-language support and SRT-file export.
3D Layer for SPX
A simple 3D Layer for SPX environment.
Stage Timer
Stage timer to display countdown for speaker.
Two-Tone : Essential Graphics Pack by SPX
Basic graphics templates for any use case. Simple and effective, it will instantly boost your production value.
Elemento: Complete Live Production Pack
Start streaming/broadcasting with professional quality graphics with this template pack. Comes with 8 highly customizable templates.
Countdown Pack
Essential tools for any LIVE production. "We begin in HH:MM:SS"
Advent Calendar
What's behind the magic door?
Animated Emoji
Callout with 100+ animated emojis to choose from!
Google Slides Overlay
Use Google Slides as collaborative graphics in SPX
FREEBIE - You have a logo. Show it.
Lottie Animator Template
Effortlessly integrate and control any Lottie animation, whether stored locally or hosted remotely, with customizable playback options
Cue Controller Plugin
Create a 'Next' button to seamlessly stop the current template and start the next with one simple action.
Credits Roll
Easy-to-use credits scroll with custom styles presets, speed control and a production logo.
QR Code
Type in a URL and voilà - a QR code!