Terms of Use

UPDATED 2022-10-19

Terms of use and liability waiver

These Terms of Use apply to the use of Softpix Ltd’s online Service (later Softpix). If you do not accept these terms of use, you must not use Softpix’s Digital Services. The terms and conditions apply to the transactions of both registered and unregistered users (later the User). The terms apply to the use of the Service by an unregistered user for as long as the user uses the Service. In the case of a registered user, these terms and conditions shall apply between the parties at least until the user’s username has been deleted. Softpix reserves the right to change these terms of use from time to time. The changes will take effect immediately.

This document and all contractual; non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by the laws of Finland. The user further agrees that the courts of Finland have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this document (including a dispute regarding the existence, validity, or termination of this document).

Waiver of Liability

This document waives the liability of Softpix and the Services provided by the company. I understand that Softpix is not responsible for any damage based on usage of Softpix’s product and/or provided service. The user of the Service accepts this when using the products/services. In addition, he agrees that the user uses the Service and its content in all respects at the user’s own risk. The service provider reserves the right to change and modify the product/service at any time.

The Service Provider is not responsible for the content of the service, nor for any other content delivered or received through or through the service or its reliability. The service provider is not responsible for the content of the information presented and published in the service or sent to the user, the suitability of the presented information and instructions for an individual user, the accuracy or possible errors, possible damage to the service or part thereof, deficiencies or delays. Softpix is not responsible for the content of any external site from or to which the service is linked.

Softpix shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages, including loss of income or earnings, business interruption, damage to hardware, software, data, or files resulting from the use or obstruction of the Service. The service provider is not liable for any damage caused by the user to him/herself or to others, misuse of the service, or any other similar action. The Service Provider shall not be liable for damage caused by force majeure or unreasonable difficulty in operations due to a similar reason. I hereby agree that I will indemnify and hold harmless Softpix and its affiliates, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all actions, costs, claims, losses, expenses, and/or damages, including legal fees, that I might have now or in the future have, for any personal or my clients’ damages/losses in my manner resulting from my usage of the Service/product.

I understand that my access to the Service is at the sole discretion of Softpix. Compensation must be claimed within one month of the discovery or should have been discovered by the customer for the basis of the compensation.

Softpix digital content

This document is a legal and binding agreement between the customer and the digital content provided by Softpix (hereinafter the Service Provider) (hereinafter the Service). It regulates how the customer can use the Services of the Service Provider and what are the obligations of the Service Provider. These terms and conditions must be read carefully before using the Service.

These Terms of Use set out the terms of use of the Services and the published material, as well as the privacy policy. The Service Provider has the right to update these terms and conditions and change the content of the pages without prior notice. Finnish law and the EU Data Protection Regulation apply to these terms and conditions and the use of our website in accordance with the register description.

The Service Provider strives to develop the Service and ensure that it operates as smoothly as possible. The Service Provider has the right to change or delete the content, structure, Service hours, or other aspects of the Service or its parts. If the changes require changes to the user’s hardware or software or other actions by the user, the Service Provider will endeavor to notify you of the changes well in advance. The user is responsible for any necessary changes to his hardware and software at his own expense.

Content and delivery of the Service

The Service is a package that includes the Software, Services, and other materials provided by Softpix and any other Service Providers cooperating with Softpix (hereinafter: Other Service Providers) from time to time to the extent of the respective product range.

The Service is available 24 hours a day unless otherwise stated for a certain Service. Customer support and service can be provided for a shorter period of time. The Service Provider makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the operation or features of the Service and does not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. The Service Provider always has the right to terminate the provision of the Service in whole or in part, as well as the right to temporarily decommission the Service or part thereof due to maintenance or other reasons, if it so wishes without compensation.

The Service provider may, if it deems it necessary, prevent the user from accessing and/or receiving the Service without prior notice.

The user receives access to the Service and uses it at their own risk. The user is responsible for the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and costs of the hardware, software, telecommunications, and data transmission connections required for the use of the service. The user may not connect or use the service in such a way as to cause an unreasonable load or other inconvenience to the network, other networks connected to the network, service users, other third parties, or the service provider. The Service Provider may give you more detailed instructions on how to use the network and which is prohibited. The administration has the right to intervene in cases of obvious abuse.

The service provider may terminate, terminate or remove the material at its own discretion.

A Service Provider may offer, transmit, or market services and/or products, paid or complimentary, produced and/or provided by Other Service Provider. The services provided by Other Service Providers are provided, transmitted, and marketed as such and without liability. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage resulting from any error in the service provided by another Service Provider, such as incorrect information, delay in the Service, or availability of the Service. In addition to these terms and conditions, the User undertakes to comply with any special terms and conditions, limitations of liability, and instructions of the Other Service Provider.

Registration as a user of the Service

Products/services are available on registration. The Service Provider reserves the right to change, modify and access the elements, thus allowing the use of the service without registration. Such Service(s) may be used as a whole or part only for registered customers. Upon registration, the user must provide the requested personal information. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided and updates personal information accordingly.

The Service Provider is not responsible for unauthorized, inappropriate, or illegal use of the user's name or account is revealed, guessed, broken, or subjected to a software error. If the user becomes aware of the unauthorized use of the account or if the confidentiality of the user has been compromised, the user must immediately notify the administrator (info@softpix.io). Softpix may then, in its sole discretion, close the user account to prevent its misuse. The registered user has the right to delete the user account. The user account will be deactivated by notifying info@softpix.io by e-mail.

Agreement and purchasing a service

The user is responsible for using the Product/Service in accordance with the Terms of Service of the ordered service. When the user pushes the “Buy” button, he or she confirms that he/she is over 18 years of age or power to make a purchase on behalf of the company or that he or she has parental or guardian permission to enter into the agreement. At the same time, he undertakes to comply with the terms of this agreement. All information provided by the customer during registration must be accurate and must not be missed by relevant information. The user has a duty to keep such information up to date at all times. When the user purchases the Product/Service, the user is responsible to pay the price of the Service. The agreement is valid until further notice or until terminated by the customer or service provider. The Service Provider reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and close the Customer’s account at any time if the Customer uses or is suspected of misusing the Service.


Purchased online Products/Services cannot be canceled.

Information provided in the service

While the service provider will use its best endeavors to ensure that the information published on the product/service is correct and up-to-date, the information may contain inaccuracies or errors. The product availability information or product price information presented in the service may be in some respects incorrect and Softpix is not obligated to reimburse the customer if a product has been sold out or if the service contains incorrect price information.

The service is provided “as it is” and “subject to availability”. To the extent permitted by law, the Service Provider does not provide an express or implied warranty for the Services or Products, their quality, content, or suitability for a particular purpose. In addition, Service Provider does not guarantee, ensure or endorse any product or service advertised or offered by a third-party service or to the linked Web page or which are advertised on banners or otherwise, or take responsibility for them. Nor is the service provider responsible in any way for transactions between the customer and third-party suppliers of products advertised on or through the service. The customer should use their own judgment and caution in this case as well. No information provided orally or in writing by the Service to the Customer constitutes a guarantee granted by the Service Provider.

Customer responsibility

The user must always consider the suitability of the information provided to the user within the product/service. You are responsible for your use of the Product/Service and for any material you submit to or distribute to others.

Rights to the service and materials


The Service Provider or its contractual partners have the copyright, intellectual property, and other protected rights of the Service and the material related to the Service. The Service Provider has the right to use and republish or redistribute the modified or original material sent or transmitted by the Customer to the public areas of the service (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to the public areas of the service (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). -, or in other activities. Customer shall not, without the prior written consent of the Service Provider, make copies, transmit to the public, present to the public, distribute to the public, display in public, or use the Service or the content received through it other than as permitted by these Terms of Use and Copyright Act. The above also includes a ban on reprinting under copyright law. The Customer may not use the Service in violation of the copyright or other rights of the service provider or a third party.

Terms of UsePrivacy Policy - Licenses